How Yoga Therapy Helped Me


Healing and Transformation: My Journey to Yoga Therapy

My yoga journey began long before I ever stepped onto the mat as a teacher. It was through my own practice that I discovered the profound healing power of yoga – and the potential for injury if not practiced mindfully. Yoga was a tool for self-discovery, connecting me more deeply with myself and others.

From Anxiety to Self-Acceptance

Years ago, yoga helped me manage anxiety, find presence in my body, and break free from unhealthy thought patterns. This, in turn, allowed me to cultivate a healthier relationship with myself and overcome a long-standing eating disorder. Yoga was a key tool in my journey to self-acceptance.

Your mat becomes a microcosm of your life, a mirror reflecting your true self if you're willing to look deeply and without judgment. This awareness is a fundamental part of yoga, a lifelong exploration as we navigate life's stages.

Healing My Body and My Spirit

My personal journey included overcoming scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and a rotator cuff injury sustained during a yoga class. The injury taught me a valuable lesson: pushing myself beyond my limits wasn't beneficial. I had to modify my practice to be therapeutic, not harmful. This meant making significant changes, like avoiding common yoga poses that were weight-bearing poses on my shoulders.

Through dedicated practice and self-compassion, I healed my injury. Today, I prioritize listening to my body. My yoga practice is not a competition; it's a journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

Yoga Through Life's Challenges

Yoga has been a constant source of strength throughout my life. It helped me navigate the grief of pregnancy losses and find moments of joy during fertility treatments.

My twin pregnancy allowed me to experience firsthand the challenges of carrying extra weight, chronic pain, and rebuilding core strength. My yoga practice and focus on rest were instrumental in navigating this demanding yet rewarding time.

Yoga for Parents and Beyond

As a parent, yoga equips me to manage stress and anxieties, allowing me to be truly present with my children at each stage of their development. Yoga also helps me be kind to myself when I fall short of my own expectations of fostering creativity and intuition in my parenting approach. It's crucial to carve out a little self-care time, even if it’s taking a shower.

Yoga and Epilepsy

Years ago, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Yoga proved invaluable in helping me maintain balance during this challenging time. It was a powerful illustration of how yoga extends beyond the physical postures.

Influential Teachers

My yoga journey was enriched by many teachers, including Jasmine Lieb, Erich Schiffmann, Donna Farhi, Paul Cabanis, and Jill Miller. Their teachings, along with the philosophy of TKV Desikachar (yoga should be adapted to the individual), continue to inspire my practice and my passion for teaching yoga therapy.

Yoga Therapy: A Path to Wholeness

"Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of the mind" (Yoga Sutra 1:2)

Yoga therapy offers a path to inner peace and a more mindful way of being. My own experiences inspire me to share this gift with others.


What is Yoga Therapy?


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