Yoga and Mobility practices that integrate beautifully into your real life and workplace.
You don’t need to live on a mountainside or travel to an ashram to move better and bring yoga into your life in a meaningful and practical way.
Our busy culture and the media seem obsessed with selling fear, perfection, and quick solutions to get what we want. Dissatisfaction with our bodies is profitable so we’re spoon-fed unreasonable ideals and then sold unsustainable ways to strive for them.
What if I told you that good health and enjoying your body doesn’t require a hardcore fitness schedule? It DOES require challenge, restoration, and consistency - and that isn’t as hard as it’s made out to be.
A private yoga and movement practice can address the root issues holding you back from living your life on purpose.
Mind-body practices align your physical and emotional wellness in ways that other workouts cannot. This is because yoga, breath work, mobility training, and mindfulness prioritize a compassionate connection between our bodies and our minds.
On the other end of the spectrum, forcing yourself to do a workout you hate, that are punitive, or only those that give you an up-regulating endorphin rush (in pursuit of a body goal that may be unrealistic) isn’t going to contribute to your peace of mind. If you’ve ever thrown yourself into a “bootcamp” fitness challenge to “whip yourself” into shape, you may have felt:
excited about who you’ll be at the end of it
overwhelmed by how hard it is
tired by the willpower needed to succeed
uncomfortable with soreness (or worse—a painful injury)
justified in “treating” yourself because you’ve been “so good”
guilty about “falling off the wagon” so you give up
frustrated because you’re right back where you started
If you can relate to this, please know—you’re not alone.
Mind+Body Fitness that is not one-size-fits-all.
My approach prioritizes your uniqueness with practices that includes mindfulness, breathwork, natural movement, and skeletal alignment.
We work with fascia and your nervous system—which changes everything.
Tune into what your body needs. Gain calm and the confidence to trust yourself.
Lean into your into flexibility and strength and get rid of thoughts and behaviors that don’t serve you.
Refine your movement so you excel at the things you love to do.
Slow down and appreciate life—even when you’re facing challenges.
These practices can be woven into your day without feeling like “one more busy thing to do.”