GK Resources

graphic lotus flower for Gwen Yeager yoga student resource page


Brisk walk
(2-3x/week; 30-60min)

(2x/week; 8 reps x3)

  • Weighted Deadlift

  • Weighted Lunges

  • Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

  • Overhead Press (up and slightly back)

  • Halos

  • Bench press

  • Hanging or Assisted Pull-Up (30-60 sec)

Short yoga/mobility sequence
(1-2x week)

Corrective Exercise
(2-3 depending on time; can be warmup for walk)

  • Draw alphabet with feet. (1x each)

  • Seated lateral knee swings. Foot flat. (2-3 min each)

  • Towel toe crunches (8x/side; can add weight over time)

  • Seated foot lifts - resisted (6sec, 8x)

  • Resisted ankle eversion with band (8-12x)

  • Resisted ankle dorsiflexion with band (8-12x)

  • Single leg balancing (30s, 8x)
    (over time try eyes closed or on pillow)

Therapy Ball or Foam Roller Myofascial Release
(2-3x week)

Foot-Ankle mobility sequence

9-min short mobility series. Great for before or after a walk.

Massage: Lower leg

31-min myofascial release for shins and calves. Mobilizes foot, ankle, knees and hips.


Massage: Glutes

25-minute myofascial release for posterior and lateral hips.

Hip Circles

24-min class: hip mobility and core. Do on it's own or after a walk.

Gate Pose

35-min: Parighasana. Hip class. Do on it's own or after walk.

FYM: Low Back Massage, Hips + Side Body

71-min class with low back massage leading to exercises for hips and side body.

Hatha: Shoulder, Core + Twists

55-min practice to wring out body head to toes.

Hatha: Fluidity + Stability

50-min class leading to balancing Half Moon Pose.

Knee Massage, Hips + Pelvic Floor

45-min class with “Quad Kabob” knee massage and therapeutic practice focusing on hips and pelvic floor.

FYM: Gluteal Roll + Practice

70-min full practice with gluteal massage, hips and balance.